Duration |
1870 May 13 | Plato | Bright spots, extraordinary display | Pratt, Elger | Rept. Brit. Assn. 1871 |
1870 | N/A | White spots on the moon, "lightning". | Birt | Birt 1870 |
1870 | Godin | Purplish haze illuminating floor of crater, still in shadow | Trouvelot | Trouvelot 1882; Moore 1963 |
1871 | Plato | Streak of light across floor visible while crater in shadow | Elger | Sirius 1887 |
1871 | W of Plato | Fog or mist | Elger, Neison | Flammarion 1884 |
1872 Jul 16 | Plato | NE portion of floor hazy | Pratt | Capron 1879 |
1873 Jan 4 | Kant | Luminous purplish vapors | Trouvelot | Trouvelot 1882; Flammarion 1884; Moore 1963 |
1873 Apr 10 | Plato | Under high sun, two faint clouds in W part of crater | Schmidt | Sirius 1879 |
1873 Nov 1 | Plato | Unusual appearance | Pratt | Capron 1879 |
1874 Jan 1 | Plato | Unusual appearance | Pratt | Capron 1879 |
1877 Feb 20, 09h30m - 10h30m | Eudoxus; 1 hr | Fine line of light like luminous cable drawn W to E across crater | Trouvelot | Flammarion 1884; l'Astron. 1885 |
1877 Feb 27, 19h19m | N/A | Lunar eclipse. Flickering light on lunar surface | Dorna | L'Opin. Nazion. 1877 |
1877 Mar 17, 06h45m | N/A | Moon's horns showed traces of atmosphere. Moon 2d16h old (2.75 in. reflector) | Dennett | Eng. Mech. 1882 |
1877 Mar 21 | Proclus | Brilliant illumination | Barrett | Eng. Mech. 1882 |
1877 May 15, 20h30m and May 29, 00h35m |
E of Picard | Bright spot | N/A | Eng. Mech. 1882 |
1877 Jun 17, 22h30m | Bessel | Minute point of light (seen with 2.75 in. reflector) | Dennett | Eng. Mech. 1882 |
1877 Jul 29 | Plato | S of center of crater, bright streak, disappeared at 2:30am | Gray | Flammarion 1884 |
1877 Aug 23-24, 23h10m | N/A | Lunar eclipse. (1) Unusual spectrum with strong absorption in yellow. (2) Two patches of crimson light of short duration |
(1) Airy; (2) Capron, Pratt |
(1) Sirius 1878; (2) Capron 1879 |
1878 Feb 2, 08h16m | At limb | Changes in spectrum during solar eclipse suggesting lunar atmosphere | Observers at Melbourne, Australia | Sirius 1878 |
1878 Mar 10, 19h20m | Mare Crisium | White patch E of Picard badly defined | Noble | Sel. J. 1878 |
1878 Oct 5, 21h40m | Plato | Faint bright shimmer like thin white cloud | Klein | Klein, Woch. fur Astr.; Sirius 1878 |
1878 Oct 21 | 3 hr | Half of moon's terminator obliterated | Hirst | Capron 1879 |
1878 Nov 1 | Messier | Obscuration of Messier | Klein | Pop. Astr. 1902 |
1878 Nov 9, 21h00m | Plato | Faint but unmistakable white cloud, not seen before | Klein | Sirius 1878 |
1878 Dec 4 | Agrippa, Klein's Object and the oval spot nearby | "Odd misty look as if vapour were in or about them." | Capron | Capron 1879 |
1878 | E of Picard | White patch | Birt | Eng. Mech. Vol 28 |
1878 | Interior of Tycho | Cloudy appearance | Birt | Eng. Mech. Vol 28 |
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