1870 - 1879

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1870 May 13 Plato Bright spots, extraordinary display Pratt, Elger Rept. Brit. Assn. 1871
1870 N/A White spots on the moon, "lightning". Birt Birt 1870
1870 Godin Purplish haze illuminating floor of crater, still in shadow Trouvelot Trouvelot 1882; Moore 1963
1871 Plato Streak of light across floor visible while crater in shadow Elger Sirius 1887
1871 W of Plato Fog or mist Elger, Neison Flammarion 1884
1872 Jul 16 Plato NE portion of floor hazy Pratt Capron 1879
1873 Jan 4 Kant Luminous purplish vapors Trouvelot Trouvelot 1882; Flammarion 1884; Moore 1963
1873 Apr 10 Plato Under high sun, two faint clouds in W part of crater Schmidt Sirius 1879
1873 Nov 1 Plato Unusual appearance Pratt Capron 1879
1874 Jan 1 Plato Unusual appearance Pratt Capron 1879
1877 Feb 20, 09h30m - 10h30m Eudoxus; 1 hr Fine line of light like luminous cable drawn W to E across crater Trouvelot Flammarion 1884; l'Astron. 1885
1877 Feb 27, 19h19m N/A Lunar eclipse. Flickering light on lunar surface Dorna L'Opin. Nazion. 1877
1877 Mar 17, 06h45m N/A Moon's horns showed traces of atmosphere. Moon 2d16h old (2.75 in. reflector) Dennett Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 Mar 21 Proclus Brilliant illumination Barrett Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 May 15, 20h30m and
May 29, 00h35m
E of Picard Bright spot N/A Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 Jun 17, 22h30m Bessel Minute point of light (seen with 2.75 in. reflector) Dennett Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 Jul 29 Plato S of center of crater, bright streak, disappeared at 2:30am Gray Flammarion 1884
1877 Aug 23-24, 23h10m N/A Lunar eclipse.
(1) Unusual spectrum with strong absorption in yellow.
(2) Two patches of crimson light of short duration
(1) Airy;
(2) Capron, Pratt
(1) Sirius 1878;
(2) Capron 1879
1878 Feb 2, 08h16m At limb Changes in spectrum during solar eclipse suggesting lunar atmosphere Observers at Melbourne, Australia Sirius 1878
1878 Mar 10, 19h20m Mare Crisium White patch E of Picard badly defined Noble Sel. J. 1878
1878 Oct 5, 21h40m Plato Faint bright shimmer like thin white cloud Klein Klein, Woch. fur Astr.; Sirius 1878
1878 Oct 21 3 hr Half of moon's terminator obliterated Hirst Capron 1879
1878 Nov 1 Messier Obscuration of Messier Klein Pop. Astr. 1902
1878 Nov 9, 21h00m Plato Faint but unmistakable white cloud, not seen before Klein Sirius 1878
1878 Dec 4 Agrippa, Klein's Object and the oval spot nearby "Odd misty look as if vapour were in or about them." Capron Capron 1879
1878 E of Picard White patch Birt Eng. Mech. Vol 28
1878 Interior of Tycho Cloudy appearance Birt Eng. Mech. Vol 28

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